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Powow River Poets Anthology II.  Introduction by Leslie Monsour. 
The Colosseum Critical Introduction of Rhin P. Espaillat is a newly revised, expanded edition from Franciscan University Press.

Robert Frost at the Huntington

This is the story of how Robert Frost discovered, to his dismay, that a group of his letters and manuscripts had been acquired by the Huntington Library in San Marino, California in 1923. The article describes some of the gems in the collection and Frost's repudiation of two of the poems attributed to him.

Rhina Espaillat. A Critical Introduction

From the series: Story Line Press Critical Monographs

Oscura Fruta: Cuarenta y dos poemas. Richard Wilbur. Dark Berries: Forty-two Poems

Bilingual edition of Richard Wilbur's poems, translated by Rhina Espaillat. Introduction by Leslie Monsour.

LESLIE MONSOUR'S LANDSCAPE: Transcending the Constraints of Time

A thoughtful analysis by Jessica Su, exploring aspects of time and place in Leslie Monsour's poems
Winner of the 2010 Finishing Line Press Open Chapbook Competition

The House Sitter

Leslie Monsour’s The House Sitter offers a compassionate, clarifying vision of a fallen Golden State. Whether human or animal, its denizens wrestle with survival, hope, and beauty amid the lush decadence of a natural world that is changed but never tamed: transplanted nasturtiums bloom and die in traffic, the swallows of Capistrano abandon their migratory routes, and tarantulas, scooped from a swimming pool, revive and “scatter like anarchic marionettes.” Monsour’s characters come alive in language we might expect from Elizabeth Bishop had she settled in California instead of Brazil. Whether observing the young soldier at the airport— “part boy, part man, and part machine of battle”—or recollecting her own parents in their evening martini ritual— “Lamplight caressed/their faces as if nothing could go wrong”—Monsour captures time, place, and person with an ease and concision that are, quite simply, unforgettable. --Ned Balbo, competition judge.

The Alarming Beauty of the Sky

Red Hen Press, 2005

“The astonishingly high level of performance throughout this collection of poems would take almost any reader by surprise. Scattered among them are individual poems of such perfected skill, such vivacity, wit and intelligence--exhibiting Dickinson’s cunning, Bishop’s carefulness--that a reader is filled brim-full of gratitude.

–Anthony Hecht


"There is often an amorous situation in Leslie Monsour's poems, but their most constant aspect is their observation, their eager looking, as when the water of a swimming pool is seen "Clear to the blurry floor." Such a poem as "The Snail in the Marigold" might put one in mind of that attentive gardner, Emily Dickinson. And in another key entirely, "Illusion of Loss" handles a triditional theme and figure with telling simplicity.

--Richard Wilbur

Essays and Interviews

A few samplings from essays and interviews have been excerpted from various sources, including anthologies and journals.